In which we have the flu

Christmas this year was a bit interesting. I made it as far as tea time on Christmas day before the flu got the better of me and the Man in the Shed was not far behind. Some kind grandparents took the Smalls and we more or less slept until the 28th. The one advantage I can see to not having very much energy is lots of knitting time because you can’t do much else. The wool for this vest was a Christmas present and I thought it would last me until at least February…


This is the main bit of the body finished. It is knit in the round and has some steeks – where you knit some extra stitches in so you can cut through them later to make armholes and stuff like that.IMG_2704

I crocheted over the edges of the steeks to reinforce it before cutting – the grey lines are the crochet.IMG_2711

This is the vest after the steeks have been cut.IMG_2728

And this is it after doing the edgings and generally tidying up ends and things. The pattern if you are interested is Ivy League Vest by Eunny Jang and the yarn is Cascade Heritage in some nice colours. It’s quite pretty but next year I am getting a flu jab.

4 thoughts on “In which we have the flu

  1. I agree on both counts! Where would you be without Grandparents eh? But at least you have made use of your sick time & very nice it is – the vest, not the flu. Happy New Year to you all. X

  2. The vest looks great and no doubt helped to keep you sane. The Smalls were very good and we had an enjoyable time with them. Hope you both are feeling a lot better and 2015 is good to you all.

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